
LIVE DUBBING COMPETITION Friday, 22 March 2019, 8:30 pm

Moderation / Host: Falk Töpfer; Curation: Axel Matz

Congratulations to "Lakatoš"! The guitar duo from the Czech Republic gave life to the silent classic movie "The fisherman and his wife" with their sensitive music and convinced the jury (Susanne Magister, Christian Brähler and Walid Berrich).
And then the surprise! Also the audience chose Lakatoš as their favourite but not alone! The Dresden band "Bamd" received the same number of voices and was also able to get one of the highly coveted golden microphones. With clarinet, ukulele, percussion and singing they gave the "Drunken Sun" a unique voice. Many thanks also to the prize donor Musikhaus Korn Filiale Dresden for his support and to all the musicians* for this great evening!

In the live dubbing were:
Mohonk & Advisor
Schönfeld / Wutzler