Country Program: AMATEUR FILMMAKERS AS WITNESSES OF THE OCCUPATION Friday, March 21, 6:00 PM, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Backyard), 01067 Dresden

Guest: Sylva Poláková, Curator NFA; Moderation: Frank Eckhardt

For most of the residents of Czechoslovakia, the early morning of August 21, 1968, was a shock and a collective trauma. Not only professional filmmakers but also amateur filmmakers had the courage to take the camera in hand and capture the dramatic moments of those days.

The selected program includes unedited footage, a documentary that highlights the drama of the first days of the occupation, a ballad-like reflection on the impact of political decisions on the younger generation, and finally, a staged satirical anecdote.

This program has been curated from the collection of home and amateur films of the Národní filmový archiv, Prague.