Get Together: 60 YEARS OF SUPER 8 Friday, March 21, 3:00 PM, Festival Lounge at Runde Ecke, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Frontyard), 01067 Dresden7 Dresden

Guests: Richard Tuohy, Dianna Barrie, Dagie Brundert, Mario Loose, Jürgen Lossau, Joachim Schmidt, Michael Sommermeyer; Moderation: Jan Nordsieck

To celebrate Super 8’s 60th birthday, we’ve invited guests who have dedicated their lives, professions, or hobbies to the 8mm film format. This is a unique opportunity to hear them share their passion – how they discovered the format, what fascinates them about it, and how they work with it, as well as the reactions they encounter.

We warmly invite everyone to join this lively discussion over coffee, beer, and cake in the festival lounge.

Free admission