In Portrait: ÔTE-TOI DE MON SOLEIL (engl. Get Out of My Sun) Saturday March 22, 4:30 PM, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Backyard), 01067 Dresden

Guest: Messaline Raverdy (FR/BE); Curation and Moderation: Franziska & Sophia Hoffmann

Joseph is blessed with dizzying erudition. For years, he wandered around with his trolley, collecting countless documents and objects of all kinds. These filled his apartment, turning it into a chaotic labyrinth. Filmmaker Messaline Raverdy (*1986, FR/BE) helped him bring order to it—a friendship blossomed in the process.

The cinematic portrait Ôte-toi de mon soleil (2023, "Get Out of My Sun") portrays a person living with "Diogenes Syndrome" and is enriched with found footage and an educational animated film on water and ice.