AN ITALIAN CENTURY - JOURNEY Friday 8 July, 5:30 p.m., Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (back yard), 01067 Dresden


Guest: Paolo Simoni (IT); Moderation: Frank Eckhardt

The "Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia“, Italy, has collected tens of thousands of amateur films from the 20th century. The film program will present the activities and projects of the archive and take us on a journey through history, culture, art and Italian landscape from south to north; through the images of the Pathè Baby, whose centenary we celebrate this year, we will see - through the different historical periods - a vanished land that these images bear living witness to.

This program will also be streamed live online on facebook.

The films will be shown in OV, the moderation will be in English.