CEREMONIAL OPENING Thursday 46 March, 17:30, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Backyard), 01067 Dresden

We are celebrating the 25th edition of the festival. With films, music clips, competitions, including the legendary live dubbing competition, lots of guests and, of course, a party. In this country, 25 years is also associated with a silver wedding anniversary. In this sense, silver is a great success. And also indispensable as a basic material for the production of analog films. Silver also represents the second place on the podium. But at the schmalfilmtage there are only first places. So, in the spirit of the saying about talking and keeping quiet, this year we will simply say: silver is our gold. The team of the 25th dresdner schmalfilmtage warmly welcomes the guests and visitors and opens the festival with a champagne reception.

Image above: kinoMANUAL