AUS EINEM JAHR DER NICHTEREIGNISSE/ FROM A YEAR OF NON-EVENTS, Ann Carolin Renninger and René Frölke, GER 2017 Friday 17 March, 18:00, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Backyard), 01067 Dresden
Guests: Ann Carolin Renninger und René Frölke; Moderation: Jan Nordsieck
Willi, almost ninety years old, lives alone on an old North German three-sided farm. His world around him has become small, the wild growth in the garden, the piles of things lying around become increasingly unimportant when already the suspenders resist and the chickens have to be fed.
The film Aus einem Jahr der Nichtereignisse, shot on Super 8 and 16mm, is not a classic, biographical documentary, but approaches its subject in an associative way. Multiple interruptions and new beginnings structure and set caesuras in time, whose inert flow seems to have long since become an everyday monotony. But then the cat gets sick. And a birthday is celebrated. On top of that, those pesky filmmakers.
Ann Carolin Renninger was born in Flensburg in 1979. From 2000 to 2006 she studied cultural studies in Leipzig, Strasbourg and Paris. Since 2008 she has been working for the production company Zero One Film, Berlin, in the field of development and production of documentaries. In addition to this work, she founded joon Film, a platform for artistic collaborations in film, in 2010. Ann Carolin Renninger lives in Siegum, Nordangeln. From a Year of Non-Events is her first film.
René Frölke was born in 1978 in the GDR. In addition to his work as a freelance editor and cameraman, he has been realizing his own film projects for several years. In 2007 he took up art studies in Karlsruhe, which he discontinued in 2012. René Frölke lives in Siegum, Nordangeln.