LIVE DUBBING COMPETITION Friday 17 March, 21:30, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (Backyard), 01067 Dresden
Guests: The musicians & jury, Moderator: Ernst Dollwetzel; Curator: René Seim (Head Perfume Records)
This year's live dubbing competition was also hotly debated, and it was particularly difficult for the jury and audience to choose from the varied and diverse entries. "MYRTA's performance fascinated us," said the jury, "firstly because it was immersive and the film was carried along by MYRTA's music. And secondly because the combination of image and sound was done at a very high level." MYRTA is Martina Stoye and Michael Gramm, they scored the film "Gefährlicher Spielplatz" and won the jury prize. "This is film music that touches and fascinates," said the jury of musician and children's book author Enna Miau, Simon Arnold, drummer of the band Søjus1 and passionate live dubbing artist, and Alexander Stark, freelance film and theater critic, film curator and co-director of the Filmgalerie Phase IV Dresden. The audience in the sold-out Motorenhalle Dresden was won over by Leipzig-based musician DIVA DANEBEN's scoring of the film "Erkältungskrankheiten". "Her wit takes off on a wide variety of levels. Great." was one audience opinion. An exciting evening program, moderated by Ernst Dollwetzel.
// Elena Poikilia aka Elly Rave is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer. Her music is heavily inspired by the music of the 60s and 70s. She loves rock'n'roll, blues and soul. But since a few years she discovered electronic music for herself and experiments a lot with digital synthesizers and drum machines and all kinds of sounds. https://elena-poikilia.webador.de
KURT SEPPELE (Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria)
// Kurt Seppele studied at the Carinthian State Conservatory (guitar jazz/classical and jazz vocals) until 2005. In 2006 he graduated from the LA Music Academy (now LACM) with a diploma, and in 2014 he completed his IGP studies in guitar popular music with a focus on guitar classical music at the MDW. In addition to performing with various formations on stages of all kinds, Kurt Seppele has been teaching at the Music School of Carinthia since 2012. www.kurtseppele.at
EL PERRO ANDALUZ (Ensemble for Contemporary Music, Dresden)
// The ensemble El Perro Andaluz was founded in 2007 through a collaboration with Brian Ferneyhough. In a very short time El Perro Andaluz developed into one of the most versatile ensembles for contemporary music and performance in Germany. The name of the ensemble is a reference to the short film "Un chien andalou" in reference to its combination of artistic and friendly collaboration, playful provocation and the exploration of new forms of expression. Since its inception, El Perro Andaluz has worked in various musical fields - music theater, installation, concerts and music education projects. In collaboration with more than 80 contemporary composers, El Perro Andaluz has been able to profile this self-image throughout Europe. Awarded the Cultural Promotion Prize of the City of Dresden, the ensemble has been based permanently at the Dresden cultural center "Zentralwerk" since 2016 and initiates transdisciplinary works together with other participants.
// DIVA DANEBEN aka Sophia Mix performs softpunk in her songs, weaving catchy melodies with complex lyrics. She passionately poaches styles filling her songs with softness and many a musical surprise. Her lyrics are in German and English, and she plays guitar and accordion with influences from blues, anti-folk and punk. http://sophiamix.net
PAUL GEIGERZÄHLER (Winner Audience Award Live Dubbing Competition 2022, Berlin)
// Paul Geigerzähler plays violin punk. In the very early days, when this strange concrete wall was still standing around in Berlin, a child was born in Budyšin who wanted, was allowed, should, had to enjoy the music educational achievements of the German Democratic Republic at an early age and play the violin.
"The concrete wall fell down. I cut myself a mohawk, dropped out of school and began an apprenticeship as a squatter. I threw the violin against the wall, but soon got a new one because I was too lazy to learn guitar. With it I played in bands with funny names like KÖTERKACKE in the 90s. After they broke up, I started to make solo music out of a long time. A name had to be found, Geigerzähler fit quite well and since 2003 I've been touring as Geigerzähler mostly through the German-speaking countries, but I've also played in Tel Aviv, Ramallah or New York.
In the beginning it was punk without drums, guitar and bass unplugged with violin and vocals. Later I added folk, reggae numbers and two duos - BERLINSKA DRÓHA and ATZE WELLBLECH. I also play violin to electronic music now and then." https://geigerzaehler.bandcamp.com
MYRTA (Martina Stoye & Michael Gramm, Dresden)
// Behind the pseudonym Myrta is the musician and conductor Martina Stoye. Myrta composes and produces her own sound worlds, in which classical music merges as a matter of course with new forms of production and ways of thinking. As a multi-instrumentalist and singer, she creates a constant interplay of analog and digital, genre and influence, past and now. Classical instrumentation and vocals meet without genre walls texts by William Shakespeare and Henry Fothergill Chorley, among others, and experimental layers of beats, synthesizers and soundscapes. Currently, a new album is being created together with musician and producer Michael Gramm. www.facebook.com/myrtamusic www.instagram.com/myrta_music