INTERNATIONAL FOUND FOOTAGE COMPETITION Thursday 15 October 2020, 9.00 pm, Motorenhalle

moderation: André Eckardt and Franziska Hoffmann

These are the winners of this years International Found Footage Competion! Congratulations! 

In cooperation with Filmverband Sachsen (Saxony Film Association), the dresdner schmalfilmtage once again awarded the prize for works that incorporate film heritage (found footage) in their films. Whether including archive material, a new score to existing footage or new images to the original sound – there are no limits to the examination of historical small format material.

The Main Prize goes to "Der Schönste Tag In Deinem Leben" (The most beautiful day of her life) by Philipp Rirsch "for discovering and re-interpreting a beautiful found footage, keeping its archaic black and white, silent format with respect, and at the same time, reviving it by a new rhythmic structure in the editing, and emphasizing (or underlying) its sensitive report on the women's condition in XXth century society - which is still our concern today", said the members of the Jury Anne Gaschütz (co-festival director Filmfest Dresden, DE), Luc Bourdon (videographers and filmmaker, CA) and Csaba Bollók (film maker and permanent lecturer at Eszterházy Károly University, HU).

The Second Prize, also chosen by the Jury goes - for the complex portrayal of various destructive elements in our world, committed by mankind or performed by natural forces, a movie done in the tradition of impressionistic avantgarde cinema, for the power of its imagery and the extraordinary, elaborated use of its soundtrack by Alex Inglizian - the prize goes to the movie THE TEMPLE OF TRUTH directed by Giuseppe Boccassini.

This year, for the first time, due to corona restrictions, people who could not join live at Motorenhalle Dresden were able to watch the Competion on demand and to choose their favorit. The Audience Award online goes also to the Jurys favorit "Der Schönste Tag In Deinem Leben" (The most beautiful day of her life) by Philipp Rirsch.

But the audience present could choose there favorit movie as well. The Audience award goes to two movies, with the same number of votes: "THE TEMPLE OF TRUTH" directed by Giuseppe Boccassini and Werther Germondari "From Rimini with Love".

Nominations 2020

Astudillo, Carolina; Prim, Josep - Un paseo por New York Harbor, 6 min., 8 mm, 2019

Boccassini, Giuseppe – Temple of Truth, 15 min., 8 mm, 2018

Danker, Lisa – Foreclosed Home Movie, 8 min., 16 mm, 2018

Germondari, Werther – From Rimini with Love, 1 min., super8, 2020

Link, Philipp; Scherer, Max – Europe Old Love, 2 min., 8 mm, 2019

Ratigan, Brian – Unborn Rivers of Sky, 3 min., 8 mm, 2019

Rirsch, Philipp - Der schönste Tag in deinem Leben, 3 min., 16 mm, 2019

Soares, Flora – Drift, 9 min., super8, 2019

Toshinari, Ei; Nguyen, Duy - …AND SO WE START AGAIN, 9 min., 16 mm, 2019

Anne Gaschütz (deputy festival director Filmfest Dresden, DE)
Luc Bourdon (videographers and filmmaker, CA)
Csaba Bollók (film maker and permanent lecturer at Eszterházy Károly University, HU)