Since its first edition in 1997, the super8 festival dresdner schmalfilmtage has become a classic among the few special super8 festivals that in depth dedicate to the great little films with their exceptional aesthetic value. Without any trait of dogmatism, the festival presents historical material and new creations originally shot on film stock ranging from 8mm to 16mm as well as the always popular 8mm trash versions of “big” movies. Covering the whole spectrum from renowned and highly artistic works to treasures from the broad field of amateur home movies, dresdner schmalfilmtage brings to attention a significant and vital part of modern media culture that is still very often neglected by cinemas, film festivals and museums. For that reason the low budget festival in Dresden has turned into an international meeting place for filmmakers, artist, collectors, and cinephiles over the last ten years.


>> Who were the guests, and what was shown? An overview of the 1st to the 8th dresdner schmalfilmtage