Johanna Vaude (F) »Hybrid« Saturday 26.01. 19.30

Filmsstreifen - auto  le monde

Johanna Vaude searches for the medial border crossing. Aside of the film photography she also uses painting and video for her “plastic hybridations”, which shows unmistakably esthetical relations to a “direct film” by Stan Brakhage, but first through the over painting of the previously taken photographic picture. Through the molding of photographic and electronic picture Vaude achieves very haptic, abstract picture worlds, which resemble a view through a microscope in the search for the structure and the materiality of life. Autumn 2006 the artist was granted a “Carte blanche” from the renown Cinémathèque française for a several parts history programme of plastic hybridation in experimental film.



The filmmaker present the programme personally.



Capture d'écran: De l'Amort