The Festival for experimental film art, home cinema, trash and classical independent film is experiencing its 11th edition in 2010. Focusing on productions with Super8/16 mm-films, the schmalfilmtage has been the first German place of the international 8/16 mm-scene. Works by film makers from more than 20 countries have been presented in Dresden. Well-known European (independent) filmmakers such as Lisl Ponger, Mathias Müller, Jan Peters, Matt Hulse, Johanna Vaude or Helga Fanderl could be welcomed.
The traditional core of the dresdner schmalfilmtage is its international competition. Films of all genres can be submitted angemeldet until December 5th, 2009. The only constraint: they must have been shoot on small format film including all subformats (8/16 mm) and shouldn’t be no longer than 8 minutes. The dresdner schmalfilmtage will choose 10 to 15 films out of the submitted contributions. And these will enter the competition on January 23rd, 2010 in order to win the favour of the jury and the audience.