The Legendary Portuguese Friday 21 January 2011 19.30
At the moment Portugal is the hot spot at exciting substandard film production. Names like Paulo Abreu (in 2008 winner of the dresdner schmalfilmtage competition) and Edgar Pêra (in 2006 in Paris honoured with the Pasolini-Award for his lifework) have become famous, even beyond Portugal’s film scene; despitely or even because of the consistent continuation of their work with small analogue film formats. Such as in Pêra’s latest work: CRIME / ABISMO AZUL / REMORSO FÍSICO (2009) was inspired by the newly rediscovered avantgarde artist Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (1887 - 1918). A time travel – at and by Super8. A substandard hommage of a different kind is a cycle of two dozens of Super8 clips – produced for the stage shows of the Blues performer and veritable indie star The Legendary Tigerman (aka Paulo Furtado). Paulo Abreu, Edgar Pêra, Rodrigo Areias and Furtado himself have found melancholic up to unsettling pictures for this music. Rodrigo Areias will personally present the best of these impressive mini epics in Dresden and he will also stage the final: with his moving Super8 short documentary film Golias.