Opening the festivalThursday 24 January 2013, 18.00
Piano Works and the wonderful world of Super8
Ceremonial opening and kaleidoscopic forecast for the 14th dresdner schmalfilmtage in the spirit of the festival theme 'multi image worlds'. Holger Tepe – festival expert of independent films and enthusiastic Super8 filmmaker (prize winner dresdner schmalfilmtage 2009) – leads through the wonderful universe of the current international 8- and 16mm film scene. Matt Davies (UK) explains his 'Piano Works'-Installations which can be admired during the whole festival (see description below). There will be a cinematic aperitif to open the festival. Welcome!
Piano Works Loop & Piano Works 16
Two piano installations of Matt Davies (UK) are playing continuously unconventional compositions, conducted by chance. A 16mm projector and a tape recorder in duet with a broken piano create at times chaotic sound patterns that are getting more and more out of control with the decaying of the 'musicians' during the three festival days. In Matt Davies's artistic work, listening to and exploring of natural sounds play a predominant role. He implemented his latest projects during a fellowship at the Kitev laboratory in Oberhausen, in the context of Soundworks at the ICA London and in cooperation with Luke Jerram and the Plant Orchestra in the Botanic Gardens of Riga.