COMMON GROUND I: LaborBerlinThursday, January 22, 7.30 pm
One of the most significant international groups in the sphere of super 8 and 16 mm art film is LaborBerlin, who discribe themselves as a 'location of artistic research on materiality at the interface between fine arts and cinema'.
Works of the independent production platform can be seen regularly in the competition of the dresdner schmalfilmtage. Last year, for example, two of the lab's most important protagonists, Anja Dornieden and Juan David González Monroy, won with The HandEye (Bone Ghosts).
The programme comprises performances and films of the lab's members who, among other things, experiment live with coloured film lighting, petrichor – the scent of rain – as well as with the prototype of the emotion machine, invented by Dr. D. Forme in 1917. Analogue, organic, visionary.
Blitzen #2 by Clara Bausch I 2013 I 4 min I Super8
Studie zur Farbe [Performance] by Lucas Maia I 2013 I 8 min I 2x 16mm
Rokh II by Distruktur I 2013 I 5 min I 16mm
Sketches: "i" is Memory II by Iana Stefanova I 2014| 4 min | Super8
Now I Want to Laugh [Performance] by Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy I 2014 I 15 min I 2x 16mm
Sans Lune #1 by Sophie Watzlawick I 2014 | 5min | 16mm
Laborat by Guillaume Cailleau I 2013 | 22 min | 16mm (digital)
Petrichor [Performance] by Clara Ravat I 2014 I 15 min I 16mm & Super8