COMMON GROUND II: WORM.Filmwerkplaats Friday, January 23, 2015, 7.00 pm
WORM.Filmwerkplaats Rotterdam is one of the oldest and liveliest institutions in the field of European art and independent films. After celluloid was declared dead as a medium, the dutch filmmakers were ones of the first to save devices and equipment from 'modernisation' to use them for projection, processing and recording and in this way to preserve a place for authentic filmmaking. Apart from BerlinLabor, the WORM.Filmstudio is today one of the few places in Middle Europe where you can work with super 8 and 16 mm films. You can deal with all aspects and processes of filmmaking with the disposable equipment to finish a no-budget project. Thus filmmakers and artists can shoot and edit films with minimal expenses. Furthermore, WORM functions as producer for film projects or helps with the completion and commercial exploitation of a work.
WORM.Filmwerkplaats is also a centre of communication on the subject of contemporary experimental film. Florian Cramer, member of WORM – the laboratory and venue for do-it-youself avant-garde culture – outlines the international cooperation and presents recent short films by Yoana Buzova, Nan Wang, Joan Desablens, Guy Edmonds, Marcy Saude, Klara Ravat, Esther Urlus, Jutu van der Made, LiChun Tseng and Daan de Bakker.