
CINE|LOCAL MEET UPSaturday 23 March 2019, 6.00 pm

From this April on, every second Tuesday evening, the concert cellar of the riesa efau will become a film cellar: film enthusiasts and filmmakers, young and older people with and without migration experience will meet in front of the screen to watch films together and exchange ideas. Use the opportunity to share your favourite movie, your home movie, or even your own movie. To all, who like to meet like-minded people: on 23.3, from 6 pm the first meeting takes place in the film lounge of the dresdner schmalfilmtage. Afterwards we visit together the following film programs. Please register beforehand at cinelokal.friedrichstadt@riesa-efau.de for the meeting and the films - only then can we guarantee free tickets. We look forward to many familiar and new faces!