
SOZIALIST UNDERGROUND BEVORE 1989Saturday 23 March 2019, 10.00 pm

Films from the USSR, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland Guest und Curation: Tomáš Glanc (CZ/CH)

There were great differences between the socialist countries in terms of art doctrine, degrees of freedom, and possibilities for independently produced cine films to be screened. Almost everywhere there were Super8 film scenes that developed independent paths for production and distribution, mostly networked with artists, musicians, poets, dissident circles.

In this "The very best of" program, Samizdat films from the 1980s are shown. Works that not only express the zeitgeist of the time, but are also valid today. They have often only become accessible to the public in the 21st century.

With the programme we also tune in to the exhibition Poetry & Performance from 11.4. in the Motorenhalle.

The following movies are shown:

Koán, Pablo de Sax, 1983
Courtesy: FAMU Center for audiovisual studies Research Collection

Self-Fashion Show (Öndivatbemutató), Tibor Hajas, Hungary, 1976
Courtesy: Balázs Béla Studio

Рыцари поднебесья / Knights of the Heavens, Evgeny Yufit 1989
Courtesy: Masha Godovannaya

Z mojego okna / From My Window, Józef Robakowski, 1978

Akupresura, Irena Gosmanová (Pigi) , 1984
Courtesy: FAMU Center for audiovisual studies Research Collection


Acupressure, Pigi, Super8, 19:10 min., 1984
