
TRASH FILM NIGHT Friday 22 March 2019, 0.00 am

Films by Ashim Ahluwalia (India) and Juho Kuosmanen (Finland)

Actually Henk van Dreumel is a pedagogue and he loves records, horses and movies. For 25 years he has been organising concerts, film evenings and has participated with his own works in various programmes and festivals in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. At the 20th dresdner schmalfilmtage he will unite his passions:
16mm silent films will follow bizarre experimental films, in addition to educational and documentary short films, which today, somehow fallen out of time, often involuntarily come across as extremely funny. In between there are horse races. Bets are accepted!

Konzertkeller im riesa efau, Einlass: 23:45; Adlergasse 14, UG



Stills: Archiv Dreumel