
Workshop: Film-music-film: Transformation

The relationship between music and film with Telemach Wiesinger (in English)

Telemach Wiesinger is interested in the tension between image and sound. Many of his short or feature films have performances with different soundtracks or live soundtracks. In the workshop, the filmmaker and participants explore the relationship between sight and hearing, work on and discuss new sound interpretations. No experience required, but good eyes and ears!

Material: Please bring your own laptop.


by phone: +49 351 8660211
web: www.riesa-efau.de



Conduct Telemach Wiesinger
Nadine Bors
Date 23. / 24.3.. 2019
Time   Sat 12-18 pm,
Sun 10am - 4 pm
Course fee admission free
Ort Dachatelier, riesa efau - Adlergasse 14, 3. OG
Material/ Erfahrung:

Please bring your own laptop.

Prior registration required