ITALY NEWLY SEEN: ART AND EXPERIMENTAL FILMS Saturday 9 July, 16:00, Motorenhalle, Wachsbleichstraße 4a (backyard), 01067 Dresden

Guest: Paolo Simoni (IT); Moderation: Frank Eckhardt

From the collections of the "Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia" in Bologna, Italy, a selection of outstanding works by Italian filmmakers and artists from the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, the golden age of underground cinema, will be shown. Avant-garde and independent filmmakers used 16mm, 8mm and Super8 film formats because of the extreme freedom that this technical medium offered. These independent and amateur films, now restored and re-edited, allow us to tell a "different story" of Italian cinema. The screening will be of both new and historic 16mm prints.

This program will also be streamed live online on facebook.

The films will be shown in OV, the moderation will be in English.