Greifswald Experimental Film Circle (the filmmakers are present)
The beginnings of the Greifswald film underground lie in the year 1983, when
Thomas Frick, stimulated by the super8 filming of Nils Braasch (from Schwerin),
decided to make Films by himself. His first film “An Excursion in the Mountains”
was made 1983. The material for his next film “The Massacre” was confiscated
during the development process by the Stasi. Among our guests are three members
of the group (Thomas Frick, Robert Conrad and Nils Braasch). They are going
to report from first hand about their work and will also present four of
their films.
Der Ausflug ins Gebirge
1983, 8mm, b/w, 15 min, Thomas Frick
Das Massaker
1984 - 87, Super8, color, 25 min, Thomas Frick
Hausfrauen und Chauffeure - ein Spaziergang
1986, Super 8, b/w, 25 min, Robert Conrad
1987, Super 8, 20 min, Nils Braasch