Helga Fanderl (GER) »Fragile« Friday 25.01. 21:00
The in Paris and Frankfurt/Main living filmmaker Helga Fanderl understands a cine film take as a representation of the experienced moment. With both camera cuts and change of the taking speed she elicits from these moments their magical, hidden poetry and their secretive, dynamic choreography. Known pictures from everyday life are compressed to fragile visual music-clips and kinetic picture poems. Helga Fanderl works with super8 since 1986. Her films were among other a central part of the dance performace “The Loss of Small Detail” from William Forythe, the concert “Varieté” from Maurizio Kagel and the reading “Fragments D’Amour“ from Bruno Montels. The multiply awarded artist curates an exclusive programme from her work and presents it personally for the dresdner schmalfilmtage.