SAX ROYAL meets Super8Friday, January 23, 10.00 pm
A new common ground is the cooperation with the poetry stage Sax Royal from Dresden. The idea of a text-based dramaturgical mesh in films with unknown authorship, whose signature, aim and purpose are handed down to us only fragmentarily, had been planned for a long time, until we finally found the right partner in Sax Royal last year. The premiere was a success in several respects. The authors were thrown in at the deep end and developed, as anticipated, a poetry and presentation specifically fitting for the topic. Reason enough for the festival team to invite them for a rerun, which, in 2015, will be embedded in strong found footage alternative drafts (Penny Siopis, Philipp Hartmann).
Our guests:
Michael Bittner is a literary scholar and freelance author in Berlin. He is co-organiser of the festival Literatur jetzt! and co-host of the Livelyrix Poetry Slam. Some of his stories, satires and other experiments have been published in magazines and anthologies. Since January 2009 he writes a weekly literary column for the magazine of the Sächsische Zeitung.
Roman Israel is a freelance author in Leipzig and writes prose, poetry, radio plays and stage plays. In 2011, his poetry collection Rätsel von der Ankunft des Nachmittags and his story collection Reise nach Loitoktok were published in the edition PaperONE. In 2012, his play Calb premiered in the theatre Barakah in Kraków.
Max Rademann is a freelance author, illustrator, filmmaker, musician and DJ. Together with Jens Rosemann he produces animation films, for example the legendary cartoon Peschi & Poschi. He was a co-founder of the Dresden poetry stage SAX ROYAL in 2005 and also performs at the Görlitz poetry stage Grubenhund. An anthology of his stories with the title Vom funkelnden Fips und andere geheime Sagen aus dem Erzgebirge was published at the Wald & Wiese Verlag. In 2011 his first CD with the title Hey Hey Heiko Hey was released. He moderates the musical series Dienstagssalon at the European Centre of the Arts in Hellerau.