RETROSPECTIVE – BEN RIVERSFriday, 20 January 2017 6.30 pm
The British filmmaker portraits people with unconventional lifestyles. The viewer is allowed to enter private areas that always represent a further reaching social dimension.
Rivers devotes the space of his sensitive films to the “hermit-like figures, hippies living in unison with nature, that function as a counter image to the self-destructive industrial society” (Ben Rivers). Hereby he examines the process of filmmaking as such: the shots and montages encompass the joy of experimentation and exploration. A mix of analogue and digital techniques challenge the spectator to constantly take up a new perspective.
The factual and the imaginary are adventurously intertwined by Ben Rivers' approach which is rooted in his interest for early travel journals, fantastic literature and science-fiction.
- 19.01.Thursday
- 20.01.Friday
- 21.01.Saturday
- 22.01.Sunday - Thalia Sceening
- 00.00.Overview