NINO PEZZELLA: FEMMINIELLIFriday, 20 January 2017 9.30 pm
Born as men and similar to drag queens, the femminielli from Naples represent a 'hermaphrodite cult' whose origins can be traced back to antiquity. They are said to be lucky charms in a society which seeks in them an encounter with its own suppressed desires and yet cannot accept them completely. Over 10 years, filmmaker Nino Pezzella from Frankfurt accompanied the last femminielli with his 16mm camera and discovered exceptionally humorous artistic figures. In the midst of piles of rubbish and run-down buildings they organise events which mix archaic fertility rites, Christian Madonna cults and obscene comedy. 'Femminielli' was selected Best German Experimental Film by the German film critics in 2015.
Director Nino Pezzella will be present.
- 19.01.Thursday
- 20.01.Friday
- 21.01.Saturday
- 22.01.Sunday - Thalia Sceening
- 00.00.Overview
Nino Pezella, Femminielli, 2004-2014,
16mm, color, 113min